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Summer Online Helmsmen Camp


Hudson Winchel


Debate Camp

Hudson Winchel participated in Stoa speech and debate for five years, competing in 11 different events. In his final year, he qualified for Nationals in all seven speech categories and two debate formats, accumulating 113 qualifying checkmarks. Hudson won 25 tournaments in various events including Apologetics, Impromptu, Original Oratory, Persuasive, Parliamentary Debate, and Team Policy Debate, ultimately securing the title of 2023 NITOC Parliamentary Speaker champion. Ranked third nationally at the season's end, Hudson is committed to using his skills for God’s glory and aims to coach others to be proficient, honorable speakers who positively impact God’s Kingdom.


John Semple


Speech & Debate Camp

John Semple competed in Stoa for six years and has been involved in the Stoa community since 2011. He remembers cheering for his sisters whenever they got awards and dreaming of competing. From his first year competing in Stoa until his last he learned skills from the ground up. Beginning with Apologetics and Lincoln Douglas only, he eventually added more events to his repertoire. His first hint of success began in the 2020-2021 season when he placed third in Lincoln Douglas debate at Virtual Green. Facing sporadic success from there, John hunkered down and began to invest serious time and energy into Stoa, eventually moving past his inconsistencies. In his senior year, John expanded his event list to include interpretation events, and found they taught him skills he was lacking. He proceeded to consistently place highly in all 10 of his regular events through his senior year, eventually earning first place titles in Apologetics, Impromptu, Extemporaneous, Original Oratory, Expository, Open Interpretation, Parliamentary, Parliamentary speaker points, Lincoln Douglas, Lincoln Douglas speaker points, and Team Policy. His favorite speech was his Expository with which he won six tournaments. At NITOC 2023, John won the national titles in Lincoln Douglas debate and Apologetics speaking, broke the NITOC record for picket fences with seven, and was awarded the second place Tournament Champion award. John’s foremost struggle and foremost goal in Stoa has been to constantly press in for God’s wisdom and trust Him with all results. John now coaches all speech and debate events, but specializes in debate, limited prep, and expository. He is excited to see where God leads him through the rest of his life.

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Speech & Debate Camp

Joshua Lee competed in eight speech events and three debate events throughout his time in Stoa. As a senior, he won first place in various tournaments in Apologetics, Impromptu, Original Oratory, Persuasive, Lincoln Douglas Debate, and Lincoln Douglas Speaker. At the National Invitational Tournament of Champions (NITOC), Joshua competed in eight speech and debate events, broke to outrounds in both speech and debate, and made it to finals in Extemporaneous speaking. In the 2023-2024 season, Joshua ranked tenth in the nation overall. It is Joshua's goal to glorify God in all that he does, using his skills gained in Stoa to further God's kingdom and to train others to be better speakers for Christ. Joshua's other interests include tennis, piano, and amateur radio.




Speech & Debate Camp

Daniel Boyle competed in Stoa for 5 years. He did every category of speech and debate events, with his favorites being Team Policy debate, Parliamentary debate, Apologetics, Extemporaneous, and Impromptu. He went to 3 consecutive NITOCs and broke at all three. He won Extemporaneous at the Concordia challenge in 2023 and won 3 consecutive Team Policy tournaments during the year. In his senior year at NITOC he and his partner made it to finals in Parliamentary debate and he was also a finalist in Impromptu. Daniel is now double majoring in Theology and Business at Concordia University, Irvine, as well as competing on the Forensics team there. He competes in IPDA, NPDA, and won a national championship in Public Forum with his partner in his freshman year. Daniel is very excited to be back at Helmsman to coach and to meet all the new people who are joining the Helmsman family.


DeEtte Sprimont


Speech & Debate Camp

Mrs. DeEtte Sprimont has been involved in Stoa since 2010, as a parent, coach, camp director, and co-director of a debate tournament. Prior to homeschooling her three children, she was a public school teacher. Later, she became the West Coast Director of a mentoring program, where her work included customizing the mentoring programs and training manuals, recruiting and training the mentors for each school, and serving as a consultant once the programs were launched. Mrs. Sprimont is blessed to be a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is overwhelmed by the grace and mercy of God, and her greatest joy is to glorify and honor Him in her daily life.

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